1.   Aid, given on condition that it is spent on genuine development, can till the soil for home-grown growth.

2.   I used to work for my Uncle Demba cultivating rice, tilling the soil and sowing rice seeds.

3.   Peasants tilled the soil and herded sheep.

4.   The townspeople tilled the soil and produced most everything they ate.

5.   Their time is constantly spent in tilling the soil, manuring it with ashes, raking and hoeing it with wooden hoes.

6.   Their time is spent in constantly tilling the soil.

7.   The farmers are tilling the soil.

8.   Farmers tilling the soil from sunup to sunset.

9.   Although he worked with his father and great-uncle tilling the soil and tending animals, he was steeped in Virgil, Milton and Shakespeare.

10.   Bill Cosby tilled the soil, and Johnnetta Cole has brought in the harvest.

v. + soil >>共 271
reach 2.71%
till 2.71%
enrich 2.71%
improve 2.38%
loosen 2.16%
keep 2.06%
touch 1.95%
use 1.95%
aerate 1.84%
pot 1.84%
till + n. >>共 23
field 25.47%
soil 23.58%
land 17.92%
end 4.72%
farm 4.72%
ground 3.77%
day 1.89%
earth 1.89%
garden 1.89%
plot 1.89%
每页显示:    共 25