1.   At the same time many working people have had their belts tightened for them as factories closed and unions accepted cutbacks.

2.   Buckingham Palace said Di wanted to tighten her belt along with everyone else.

3.   Businesses were tightening their belts and cutting jobs.

4.   Colleges have tightened their belts and are giving fewer scholarships than before.

5.   Governments and companies are forced to tighten their belts during a recession.

6.   Let them tighten their belts like we have to.

7.   Most people have to tighten their belts a little when they retire.

8.   Others will tighten their belts, downscale their programs, sell more t-shirts and look for local sources of revenue.

9.   The harsh years of the Depression were causing everyone to tighten their belts.

10.   It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.

v. + belt >>共 182
tighten 25.00%
wear 8.45%
use 5.52%
remove 2.41%
loosen 1.90%
have 1.90%
buckle 1.72%
lose 1.72%
take 1.55%
keep 1.55%
tighten + n. >>共 318
security 19.50%
control 10.45%
grip 4.95%
rule 4.84%
restriction 3.80%
belt 3.70%
law 3.42%
credit 3.21%
policy 2.96%
regulation 2.85%
每页显示:    共 144