1.   She was also aware that there is a ticking clock.

2.   And the fuse is connected to a ticking clock.

3.   Baseball is a timeless game, a pastoral endeavor unbound by the tyranny of a ticking clock.

4.   Being out of touch with the twosome in front of you can automatically incur the hands of the ticking clock, but not so this time.

5.   But agents confidentially describe the hunt as a bush-shaking exercise complicated by rumors, false leads and a ticking clock.

6.   But it was the number of votes, not the ticking clock, that galls so many Democrats.

7.   By keeping welfare recipients working and presenting them with a ticking clock, they hope to coax many of them back into the work force.

8.   Clinton is well aware of the ticking clock.

9.   Computers, with their constantly ticking clocks, make great butlers when properly equipped.

10.   Each team was given an hour, which was kept down to the last second by a ticking clock on the scoreboard.

a. + clock >>共 271
digital 5.89%
internal 5.14%
game 4.83%
ticking 4.23%
old 2.72%
bedside 2.27%
church 1.81%
mechanical 1.51%
antique 1.51%
large 1.51%
ticking + n. >>共 15
clock 51.85%
bomb 9.26%
sound 9.26%
device 3.70%
metronome 3.70%
noise 3.70%
stripe 3.70%
echo 1.85%
grenade 1.85%
hot-air 1.85%
每页显示:    共 28