1.   A few thunderstorms will ignite in the sultry air mass.

2.   A few strong thunderstorms will also ignite along a cold front slicing through southern Idaho and western Montana while the West Coast is rather sunny and seasonable.

3.   A few thunderstorms will ignite over the higher terrain of the Rockies.

4.   Isolated thunderstorms will also ignite over the region as the disturbance interacts with humid Atlantic air.

5.   Isolated strong thunderstorms will ignite in the northern Plains near a warm front advancing through the Dakotas.

6.   Isolated potent thunderstorms will ignite across southern Texas and the lower Tennessee Valley as a weak cool front crosses the region.

7.   On Memorial Day weekend, thunderstorms ignited dozens of fires.

8.   Scattered thunderstorms will ignite in the sultry air, especially during the afternoon when heating from the sun makes the atmosphere most unstable.

9.   Scattered thunderstorms will ignite near a stalled front.

10.   Scattered thunderstorms will ignite near the boundary during the afternoon.

n. + ignite >>共 331
spark 5.29%
fire 3.47%
thunderstorm 2.48%
fuel 1.98%
explosion 1.49%
blast 1.49%
storm 1.32%
gas 1.32%
issue 1.32%
gasoline 1.16%
thunderstorm + v. >>共 201
erupt 20.28%
be 14.83%
develop 14.29%
form 9.50%
occur 2.60%
produce 2.06%
move 1.45%
rumble 1.21%
sweep 1.21%
accompany 0.91%
ignite 0.91%
每页显示:    共 15