1.   Already, Pat Robertson, Rev. Donald Wildmon and his ilk are threatening boycotts of the ABC comedy, its advertisers and Disney, which owns the network.

2.   At Lake Placid, European sliders threatened a boycott, claiming that the track was icy and unsafe.

3.   Back then it threatened a boycott but did nothing after the networks said they would improve their behavior.

4.   A coalition of minority leaders threatened a boycott when the new series arrived last September with overwhelmingly white casts.

5.   But hundreds of calls from customers nationwide threatening a boycott discouraged many cable systems from seriously considering any offer from Simpson and his representatives.

6.   But McGuire made it clear that now is not the time for the players to be threatening boycotts.

7.   For one, the off-site parking lot owners are threatening a boycott this year.

8.   Gov. Parris Glendening complained that the commission exceeded its authority by threatening a boycott of sponsors of Little League teams named the Braves and Warriors.

9.   Ironically, it cannot threaten a boycott of Disney because one already exists.

10.   No one is threatening a boycott or firing off angry letters to the editor of the local paper.

v. + boycott >>共 157
end 8.98%
urge 7.48%
threaten 7.25%
organize 5.87%
join 4.95%
announce 3.80%
support 3.11%
call 2.76%
consider 2.42%
drop 2.30%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
boycott 0.82%
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