1.   That threat has now diminished, although it has not totally disappeared.

2.   As the threat of inflation diminished, long-term borrowing costs declined and talk of a Fed rate cut intensified.

3.   Certainly not on a missile defense system that is impractical, wildly expensive and designed to defeat a threat greatly diminished by the demise of the Soviet military.

4.   GE contends that the threat is diminishing since PCB levels in fish are declining, and there are bans against eating fish along the entire river.

5.   If the defense can put some pressure on quarterback Jeff Hostetler, and also slow the run, the deep threat diminishes, Dent said.

6.   Now that the Communist threat has diminished, NATO is transforming itself into a broader security body dealing with intra-European conflicts such as the one in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

7.   While the rabies threat diminished, the program has nonetheless been renewed each year.

8.   Attention to the latest forecast and flood bulletins is highly recommended today until the threat diminishes this evening.

9.   But the threats diminished after Peace Brigades workers met with army leaders and urged embassies to put pressure on the government.

10.   That threat diminished on Friday.

n. + diminish >>共 500
wind 3.48%
role 2.07%
number 1.74%
violence 1.63%
shower 1.41%
skill 1.31%
power 1.20%
threat 1.09%
fear 1.09%
dollar 1.09%
threat + v. >>共 353
be 43.54%
come 8.21%
remain 2.40%
force 1.50%
make 1.22%
seem 1.11%
appear 1.08%
have 1.08%
prompt 0.97%
end 0.94%
diminish 0.35%
每页显示:    共 10