1.   Under the settlement, the government agreed to allow mineworkers to present alternative proposals and promised thorough discussions with the unions over planned tax increases.

2.   After a thorough discussion of the background, the class goes to Dealey Plaza and studies the crime scene.

3.   If the theorists are on such solid ground, what is the problem with a thorough public discussion of the issue, including formal hearings?

4.   One rule of parliamentary democracy is to vote on a bill after thorough discussion.

5.   Sen. Rich Becker, a Lenexa Republican, thinks any reporting legislation should be tied to a thorough discussion of the legislative pay issue.

6.   The decision came after a thorough discussion during a three-hour board meeting in San Francisco.

7.   The disks also include thorough discussions of historical influences.

8.   This highly readable book covers everything from financing a car to your retirement and is chock full of good ideas in a thorough discussion of each subject.

9.   When agreements are made after a thorough discussion, children feel a sense of ownership in the outcome and are likely to abide by the terms they helped establish.

10.   Ramos said the proposal requires thorough discussions by concerned Indonesian and Filipino officials.

a. + discussion >>共 801
further 6.19%
public 4.99%
political 2.92%
serious 2.92%
informal 2.55%
preliminary 2.54%
open 1.61%
detailed 1.55%
private 1.47%
heated 1.43%
thorough 0.25%
thorough + n. >>共 299
investigation 19.55%
search 6.54%
examination 5.25%
review 5.04%
check 3.27%
job 2.86%
inspection 2.72%
study 2.45%
background 2.25%
understanding 1.98%
discussion 0.89%
每页显示:    共 13