1.   Dr. Margolin argues the show also imparts good values, particularly on such thorny subjects as race relations.

2.   He is preparing a questionnaire for hundreds of movers-and-shakers in the motorsports industry worldwide on these thorny subjects.

3.   One student even raised the thorny subject of the U.S. failure to pay back dues to the United Nations, an issue that has bedeviled her throughout her meetings.

4.   Put aside, for the moment, thorny subjects like economic policy and national security.

5.   So, of course, during a recent visit to New York, Ms. Campbell was once again called upon to discuss the thorny subject of race.

6.   Standardizing herbal extracts is a thorny subject.

7.   While some Republican presidential candidates are trying to avoid the thorny subject of American involvement in Kosovo, Vice President Al Gore does not have that luxury.

8.   DUBLIN, Ireland -- Abortion, a thorny subject in this predominantly Roman Catholic country where the constitution defines it as murder, faces a historic trial this week.

9.   Also touched on in the document were the thorny subjects of criteria for Congolese nationality, and the make-up of a future army.

10.   The two sides will turn Thursday to economic issues, including thorny subjects such as labour standards in developing nations.

a. + subject >>共 938
sensitive 3.63%
same 2.70%
touchy 2.70%
favorite 2.53%
taboo 2.30%
human 1.86%
controversial 1.83%
new 1.72%
different 1.54%
particular 1.45%
thorny 0.38%
thorny + n. >>共 130
issue 47.18%
question 11.18%
problem 10.47%
matter 1.65%
one 1.65%
subject 1.53%
dispute 1.41%
bush 1.29%
challenge 0.94%
dilemma 0.59%
每页显示:    共 13