1.   I spent all the Reagan years on this one case.

2.   These three cases illustrate the ways in which non-capitalist and capitalist labor practices are combined on Chimborazo haciendas.

3.   These two cases also illustrate the effect that emotional blocks or upsets can have on the overall health of the individual.

4.   Is this such a case?

5.   Only in these five cases may the plaintiff sue for slander without having to prove financial loss.

6.   He insists that these two cases be divorced.

7.   Although Dolan purports to be an exception to Agins, the logic of these two cases appears to point in different directions.

8.   Amidst the hype of zero tolerance, these two cases show the galling divide over who is punished and who is all but praised.

9.   Back in August, before the coroner released his findings, I asked the sheriff if he had noted the striking similarities between these two cases.

10.   Agents are not paid in these relatively few cases, officials said.

a. + case >>共 931
criminal 5.34%
first 3.40%
new 2.75%
similar 2.60%
the 2.49%
civil 2.00%
recent 1.94%
antitrust 1.66%
extreme 1.54%
such 1.47%
this 0.14%
this + n. >>共 920
team 4.45%
man 3.61%
country 2.46%
guy 2.07%
game 1.86%
company 1.61%
group 1.30%
people 1.16%
factor 1.16%
time 1.05%
case 0.98%
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