1.   As a result, the study plan it develops for you includes tips for improving your critical thinking skills.

2.   As they create and explore, youngsters will learn the principles of science and improve their logical thinking skills.

3.   Children need critical thinking skills, they complain, not a steady diet of details.

4.   Critical thinking skills arguably are.

5.   First, it is an excellent program for helping in the development of high-level thinking skills.

6.   In addition, his developing thinking skills make his wishes more focused and his willfulness more directed.

7.   Instead, the noncompetitive games teach critical thinking skills such as listening, concentration, visual memory, matching, problem solving and following directions.

8.   Is it some sort of subjective measure of critical thinking skills?

9.   It not only sharpens critical thinking skills, but also forces them to research and understand all sides of issues in greater depth.

10.   Mendez is one of thousands of Central Texas youth spending the summers honing thinking skills at academic camps.

a. + skill >>共 1251
new 3.46%
basic 3.30%
technical 3.10%
political 2.29%
social 2.07%
special 1.42%
great 1.32%
motor 1.23%
necessary 1.18%
reading 1.12%
thinking 0.33%
thinking + n. >>共 98
go 12.22%
skill 9.95%
machine 6.79%
process 5.88%
person 5.43%
time 3.62%
man 2.71%
small 2.71%
ability 2.26%
style 2.26%
每页显示:    共 22