1.   I thought it appropriate to invite her to speak at the meeting.

2.   So the Commission has thought it appropriate to include some consideration of these forms of communication in its Report.

3.   Central government may, on merit good grounds, think it appropriate that a local authority provide more of a particular service.

4.   It was to be an arrangement which was thought particularly appropriate to royal monasteries.

5.   The answers will then by analysed to find out what changes or improvements, if any, are thought appropriate.

6.   At least in present circumstances, no law forces the FDA to make its requirements pre-emptive if it does not think it appropriate.

7.   Because of the hard feelings toward Parcells, Kraft had not thought it appropriate to retain Belichick as head coach, but now he has followed his original instincts.

8.   A spokesman for the diocese of Lichfield said the shares had been a bequest from a churchgoer and it had not been thought appropriate to sell them on.

9.   But he also wanted to exert more management control over Terra Lycos than Davis thought appropriate.

10.   Choreographers burning with passion ought to be encouraged to express that passion in whatever dramatic or abstract form they think appropriate.

v. + appropriate >>共 9
deem 41.13%
consider 22.70%
think 22.70%
make 6.38%
find 3.55%
believe 1.42%
call 0.71%
hold 0.71%
judge 0.71%
think + a. >>共 388
possible 8.47%
unlikely 6.55%
necessary 4.10%
likely 3.84%
best 3.58%
big 3.32%
appropriate 2.79%
impossible 1.92%
important 1.83%
better 1.83%
每页显示:    共 32