1.   In practice getting the thing going is straightforward - though care should be taken to avoid excessive flaring.

2.   Perhaps the biggest thing going was the harp played by JoAnn Turovsky, sounding positively, well, huge.

3.   Has he got that thing going?

4.   Author Kitty Kelley has a good thing going.

5.   But boarders still have that Zen thing going ... like surfers who devote their lives to looking for the perfect wave.

6.   But this team already had shown that if it had one thing going, it was a case of blissful amnesia.

7.   Can the Wildcats keep this thing going next year?

8.   Did these two former contenders have an inadvertent butch thing going or what?

9.   For both teams, it is an attempt to keep a good and surprising thing going.

10.   Hav and Lee have that love-hate thing going on, which, at least in the movies, always leads to happily ever after.

n. + going >>共 295
momentum 4.94%
thing 4.94%
economy 2.90%
streak 2.73%
career 2.04%
business 2.04%
team 1.87%
offense 1.87%
run 1.53%
show 1.36%
thing + n. >>共 337
right 9.38%
change 3.89%
going 3.89%
worse 3.75%
people 3.22%
work 2.55%
get 1.88%
need 1.47%
do 1.34%
unseen 1.21%
每页显示:    共 29