1.   In their entirety the cognitive therapy techniques of Beck and his colleagues offer a complete system of psychotherapy.

2.   Or it may take a more structured approach drawn from cognitive therapy techniques.

3.   In its biotechnology investments, Sandoz has focused on companies developing new cancer, transplant and AIDS products, as well as developers of gene therapy techniques.

4.   Seligman believes pessimists can learn to be optimists by using certain cognitive therapy techniques in his book.

5.   So far, Miller and Fred Hutchinson have fought a losing battle with NIH over its exclusive claim for inventorship of the gene therapy technique.

6.   And it could conceivably help scientists develop more efficient gene therapy techniques in humans.

7.   The gene therapy technique used a virus that had been linked to a gene that prompts production in the brain of dopamine, a chemical neurotransmitter.

8.   The next step is to transfer genes directly into body muscle cells, a common gene therapy technique.

9.   A gene therapy technique to treat cystic fibrosis has been successfully tested, raising hopes of an eventual cure, scientists said Monday.

n. + technique >>共 826
management 4.65%
relaxation 2.68%
production 1.75%
computer 1.59%
survival 1.48%
construction 1.20%
research 1.09%
laboratory 0.82%
simulation 0.82%
measurement 0.77%
therapy 0.49%
therapy + n. >>共 118
session 16.98%
experiment 6.92%
group 6.71%
program 5.66%
trial 5.24%
research 3.35%
study 2.52%
dog 2.31%
company 2.10%
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