1.   An empirical application of this theoretical framework is the work of Frobel etal.

2.   Each theoretical framework gives a rather different account of the meaning and significance of major industrial changes as Marks of structural change.

3.   In particular they made great progress in their attempts to put electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force together within the same theoretical framework.

4.   Just how important efficiency considerations appear will depend on how far the reader accepts the basic theoretical framework.

5.   The central focus is the development of leisure interests during adolescence and the theoretical framework draws upon recent work in social cognition.

6.   The development of the theoretical framework remains therefore of high priority.

7.   The information contained is intended to aid emergency planning and complement the theoretical framework used in safety assessments.

8.   The map represents an interpretation of the results of fieldwork sampling within a theoretical framework - the geological paradigm.

9.   The rivalry and interaction between advanced capitalist economies is a feature of this theoretical framework which is absent from world-system theories.

a. + framework >>共 358
legal 14.44%
new 6.67%
regulatory 6.44%
basic 3.14%
theoretical 1.88%
constitutional 1.88%
political 1.73%
conceptual 1.57%
institutional 1.57%
international 1.26%
theoretical + n. >>共 328
physicist 3.15%
physics 2.92%
framework 2.80%
possibility 2.80%
work 2.33%
model 2.10%
concept 1.98%
discussion 1.87%
problem 1.75%
issue 1.63%
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