1.   Branches of the family then spread into Cheshire and Lancashire and two brothers emigrated to New Zealand.

2.   Sustained muscle contractions usually begin in an arm or leg and then spread, making patients twist into unnatural positions.

3.   The fighting then spread to Croatia and Bosnia, also former republics in the federation.

4.   The fighting then spread to the streets of Lamitan.

5.   The fighting then spread to the streets of Lamitan, a town on the island, where rebels took over the hospital on Saturday.

6.   The fighting then spread to other ex-Yugoslav republics, Croatia and Bosnia.

7.   The scare then spread beyond Europe as other nations banned beef from all EU nations.

8.   Violence first broke around the government house and then spread.

9.   The blaze then spread to the surrounding area, setting off factories and other buildings and lighting up the night sky.

a. + spread >>共 395
rapid 7.02%
wider 4.04%
possible 3.75%
further 2.98%
fighting 2.79%
narrower 2.79%
wide 1.54%
narrow 1.44%
shooting 1.44%
later 1.44%
then 0.87%
then + n. >>共 510
head 2.94%
travel 2.41%
back 2.20%
president 1.99%
government 1.57%
return 1.36%
move 1.26%
minister 1.15%
cut 1.15%
plan 1.05%
spread 0.94%
每页显示:    共 9