1. It is clear then that passive receipt of unpublished price sensitive information will suffice for liability for tippee trading. 2. It is clear then, that there are flaws in relying upon solely statutory regulation or self-regulation to regulate insider abuse. 3. It is then clear by just how much dealing costs on large transactions have fallen. 4. But is everybody quite clear then? 5. Berisha pledged in a solemn television announcement on Monday to abide by the results, though it was clear then that he was losing. 6. It became clear then that if there was a spell, it was not on the Saints, but on the Falcons. 7. It was clear then that Coles would win the starting job over Matthew Hatchette, who now gets shoved farther down the depth chart. 8. It was clear then that the St. Louis defense was gaining confidence in its ability to defend the Titans. 9. It was not clear then that McGreevey was destined for a career in politics, Bixel and other teachers said. 10. J.W. Reid says he remembers Caballero being at the family home in Canyon only once, and it was clear then that he and Ted Reid were only acquaintances. |