1.   Four themes recur throughout this volume.

2.   Four themes recurred throughout the research.

3.   These themes constantly recur up to the First World War.

4.   Particular themes recur in any discussion of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

5.   Some themes recur in several papers and this is indicative of their urgency.

6.   And, as Kohl improvises his way through his address, departing frequently from his text, the theme recurs.

7.   He brought out the pencil again at the end of the sonata, where the theme recurs in its original form.

8.   Some themes never recurred, while others turned up as fragments, glimpsed and then discarded.

n. + recur >>共 88
cancer 14.22%
problem 9.80%
theme 6.86%
disease 3.43%
tumor 3.43%
symptom 2.94%
motif 2.45%
incident 1.96%
infection 1.96%
injury 1.96%
theme + v. >>共 211
be 50.74%
emerge 3.43%
include 2.36%
run 1.86%
seem 1.67%
have 1.57%
continue 1.57%
recur 1.37%
come 0.98%
appear 0.88%
每页显示:    共 14