1.   At any rate, the first two recipes are from Pat Latta, Fort Worth.

2.   Fifteen readers sent in recipes that were similar or like the two recipes that follow.

3.   Here are the three recipes for variations on that pie that we ran in a story about citrus from the valley last year.

4.   Spring lamb prepared in this fashion gives a fresher interpretation than the other recipes.

5.   The first two recipes are from Nancy Flories Stowe, Fort Worth.

6.   The first two recipes are from the Pork Information Bureau.

7.   The few recipes we see that use figs almost always want the green Kadota, not the Mission that grows so dependably on Valley of the Sun fig trees.

8.   The first three recipes are from Julie Wende, Fort Worth, Texas.

9.   The first two recipes are as they appear in the book, one for a salad, one for a savory pie.

10.   The first two recipes are from Kitty Gentry of Fort Worth.

a. + recipe >>共 552
following 4.86%
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good 2.15%
the 1.02%
the + n. >>共 920
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recipe 0.02%
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