1.   The egg meets a less solicitous fate in the other two paintings.

2.   I tried to redirect their attention to the other painting.

3.   An ordinary viewer would find it hard to tell the two paintings apart, let alone pick the better one.

4.   A year later, the Romanian government issued a circular about the theft, describing the eight paintings in detail, but there was no response.

5.   But that official has denied approving, or even seeing, sketches of the two paintings.

6.   But the evidence compiled by the Hamburg court, where Schaefer lodged a claim to recover the three paintings, contradicts him.

7.   But where the museum finds telling differences between the two paintings, Cahill finds similarities.

8.   In seeking to keep the seven paintings, Chatalbash is up against a lawyer, Kline, and an art investigator, Korte, who solved the Texas case.

9.   Since Monday, the two paintings have been hanging side by side.

10.   Six months ago, Warin filed a claim for the two paintings.

a. + painting >>共 609
abstract 4.45%
impressionist 2.52%
chinese 1.98%
american 1.98%
large 1.98%
original 1.93%
early 1.66%
modern 1.55%
the 1.55%
small 1.55%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
painting 0.03%
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