1.   As they rode out of the low narrow gate, their knees banging, their heads ducked, the other monks were mustering for the Holy Office of Vespers.

2.   All the other monks were serious, but the Michigan monk was smiling.

3.   But with the support of the other monks and the technical assistance of some Lithuanian journalists, he bought a second-hand printer and went to work.

4.   He killed the two monks and wounded two before turning a gun on himself while in the last rows of the basilica.

5.   The Amazon, for example, or Nada Monastery in Crestone, Colo., where you can hobnob with the seven monks and dine on vegetarian meals.

6.   The government did, however, attack the Vietnam Committee on Human Rights, the Paris-based dissident group that first reported the detention of the two monks.

7.   The report did not cite the possible penalties faced by the two monks.

8.   Over the last year, the two monks have appealed for aid in letters to the National Assembly, the Communist Party, the government and local media.

9.   In separate letters to President Chandrika Kumaratunga, the three monks said the government should concentrate on winning the war.

10.   In separate letters to President Chandrika Kumaratunga, the three monks said the government should not deflect its attention from winning the war.

a. + monk >>共 225
tibetan 6.37%
french 6.22%
senior 4.55%
franciscan 3.64%
young 3.34%
trappist 3.19%
former 3.03%
benedictine 2.73%
the 2.73%
elderly 1.82%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
monk 0.02%
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