1.   A special forces sharpshooter then killed the hijacker with a shot through the windshield as another officer put a pin in the other grenade.

2.   Another officer put a pin in the other grenade.

3.   He squeezed one of hands holding a grenade while an entering police officer rushed to grab the other grenade and throw it off of the bus.

4.   Moments later, a nearby tank fired the six grenades and four shells that killed the two Palestinians.

5.   The other grenade was tossed into the main dining room of the Blue Tops restaurant across the street from the National Museum.

6.   The two grenades exploded in fields close to the station causing no injuries and little damage.

7.   Investigators said the two grenades appeared to have been made in eastern Europe and were puzzled as to how the woman had got hold of such material.

8.   Investigators said the two grenades appeared to have been made in eastern Europe.

9.   The three grenades were set off in the Ngagara district inhabited mainly by the Tutsi minority, apparently aimed at dissuading residents from heading to work.

10.   The two schoolboys then threw the other three grenades into a river near the school, the police said, without giving more details.

a. + grenade >>共 177
rocket-propelled 49.20%
anti-tank 6.01%
homemade 4.57%
smoke 3.13%
unexploded 2.46%
live 2.03%
second 1.27%
sound 1.10%
rifle-propelled 0.93%
the 0.93%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
grenade 0.01%
每页显示:    共 11