1.   The topic is complex but the book itself is very approachable.

2.   And the book itself has helped feed public discussion of the topic.

3.   Beyond the disappointing profit from the book itself, pirated printings and theater stagings rarely paid him anything at all.

4.   Book display posters proclaim sales in the millions and the book itself has an impressive list of favorable reviews from a dozen newspapers and magazines.

5.   Blocher insisted that he was merely praising the title and had not read the book itself.

6.   But mostly, the conversation was limited to a discussion of the book itself.

7.   But the book itself becomes a demonstration of just how difficult the task is.

8.   Finally, the disk includes the text of the book itself.

9.   For book readers, get in close under the chin, unless you can lie across the book itself.

10.   I asked myself -- curiously reaching for the book itself.

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