1.   Once the necessary control has been acquired, the two beings are fused and reach sublime spiritual joy.

2.   Which now brings us on to er item eleven on the agenda which are notices of motion, the first one being houses housing land for speculators.

3.   But expectations for all of those books are dwarfed by the one being written by Gingrich, said Rath.

4.   Hot-air balloons definitely had drawbacks, not the least being keeping the air hot.

5.   Its appeal began years ago when it was one of two officially sanctioned outdoor winter sports, the other being falling down drunk in a snowbank.

6.   Now they have played seven games without defeat, the first three and the last three being victories, the middle game a tie.

7.   The crops with the BT toxin are one of the two major products of the plant biotechnology industry, the other being crops with a gene for herbicide resistance.

8.   They wanted it to look like I was the one being disloyal, that I wanted to go.

9.   A witness saw the two being swept away and called authorities.

10.   It will become one of only three SAP COEs for the particular industry segments, the other two being located in Germany and the United States.

a. + being >>共 397
well 4.47%
living 3.35%
first 2.48%
whole 2.23%
alien 1.74%
supernatural 1.61%
very 1.61%
divine 1.49%
intelligent 1.49%
latter 1.36%
the 1.24%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
being 0%
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