1.   Along the way we passed thatch huts called bohios and saw coffee growing on mountain slopes.

2.   There is a mortar blowing a thatch hut into oblivion.

3.   But those whose thatch huts have collapsed have nothing to fall back upon.

4.   Her husband said his small wooden canoe and their thatch hut were ripped apart by the tidal wave that followed the predawn quake.

5.   Her husband, Celestino, said his small wooden canoe and their thatch hut were ripped apart by the tidal wave that followed the predawn quake.

6.   Rain still was falling on him as he sat on his bed in a thatch hut, now roofless.

7.   Speaking through an interpreter, many of his answers only raised more questions about how he started life in a thatch hut in Mali and became an international philanthropist.

8.   Survivors said the storm also caused a tornado to develop, which ripped through thatch huts and scattered people and their possessions across their farms.

9.   The Bad Boys are one of countless neighborhood groups that deal marijuana in tin-roofed thatch huts or bare concrete rooms across Kinshasa.

10.   The tornado ripped through thatch huts and scattered people and their possessions across their farms, they said.

n. + hut >>共 113
mud 30.84%
bamboo 5.76%
adobe 4.32%
thatched-roof 3.46%
grass 3.17%
beach 3.17%
thatch 3.17%
start 2.02%
one-room 1.73%
mountain 1.44%
thatch + n. >>共 14
roof 34.09%
hut 25.00%
house 11.36%
cottage 4.55%
layer 4.55%
broom 2.27%
buildup 2.27%
canopy 2.27%
covering 2.27%
field 2.27%
每页显示:    共 11