1.   At the end of his concerts, Patinkin typically goes into the house to thank the audience for attending, and to pass the hat on behalf of charities.

2.   He flashed his movie-star grin and thanked the audience for being there.

3.   He repeatedly thanked the audience for showing up, and he thanked them even more effusively for singing along.

4.   He was thanking the audience for sticking with him so long.

5.   Mehta, looking uncomfortable, acted as if the response were supportive of his words and thanked the audience for its touching expression.

6.   Thanking its audience for its success profusely throughout the show, the band took sincerity to new heights.

7.   The band thanked its audience repeatedly, in a tough-love sort of way, for hanging in there through the stylistic changes.

8.   The Irish singer thanked the audience after each song, affecting a different accent each time.

9.   Again he thanked his audience for their sympathy.

10.   Clinton thanked the audience for the support the Rio Grande Valley has given first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for her Senate bid.

v. + audience >>共 610
have 6.66%
attract 4.09%
find 3.86%
draw 3.30%
reach 3.13%
address 2.13%
tell 2.03%
build 1.86%
leave 1.70%
keep 1.43%
thank 0.43%
thank + n. >>共 366
goodness 11.53%
heaven 5.00%
people 4.07%
fan 3.93%
supporter 3.13%
lot 2.13%
crowd 2.00%
parent 1.47%
family 1.47%
member 1.27%
audience 0.87%
每页显示:    共 13