1.   Celgene is seeking approval of its thalidomide drug, Synovir, for treatment of erethyma nodosum leprosum, or ENL.

2.   Celgene developed its thalidomide drug to treat a skin condition called erythema nodosum leprosum, or ENL.

3.   Companies including EntreMed and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. are also working on thalidomide drugs for a range of uses from Lupus to graft-versus-host disease.

4.   Companies including EntreMed an Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. are also working on thalidomide drugs for a range of uses from Lupus to graft-versus-host disease.

5.   Companies including EntreMed and Bristol-Myers are working on thalidomide drugs for a range of uses from Lupus to graft-versus-host disease.

6.   EntreMed Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. are among other companies working on their own thalidomide drugs.

7.   Entremed Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb Inc. are among other companies working on their own thalidomide drugs.

8.   EntreMed and Bristol-Myers Squibb are working on their own thalidomide drugs for uses such as treatment of Lupus and graft-versus-host disease.

9.   Its new family of thalidomide drugs will be called Selcid.

10.   Rockville, Maryland-based EntreMed is developing a thalidomide drug for use in healing the excruciatingly painful mouth ulcers that often occur in AIDS patients.

n. + drug >>共 495
prescription 34.13%
cancer 6.85%
fertility 3.73%
chemotherapy 2.65%
diet 2.03%
allergy 1.59%
diabetes 1.50%
blockbuster 1.50%
heart 1.45%
impotence 1.11%
thalidomide 0.33%
thalidomide + n. >>共 11
drug 40.00%
victim 16.67%
baby 13.33%
child 6.67%
formulation 3.33%
group 3.33%
prescription 3.33%
research 3.33%
scandal 3.33%
survivor 3.33%
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