1.   Biotechnology companies contended that without patent protection in the first place, they could not get financing for clinical testing to prove claims.

2.   The bill seeks to ensure that defendants get competent representation and that convicted felons can submit DNA testing to prove their innocence.

3.   And using DNA testing to prove innocence is tougher than it sounds, since biological evidence is only available in a fraction of cases.

4.   Brueseke set aside the default judgment against Nailon in that case and allowed genetic testing to prove the girl was his daughter.

v. + prove >>共 131
be 5.98%
say 5.58%
do 4.38%
use 3.98%
fight 3.19%
test 2.79%
have 2.39%
produce 2.39%
emerge 1.99%
out 1.99%
testing 1.59%
testing + v. >>共 58
determine 13.00%
identify 10.00%
help 4.00%
prove 4.00%
see 4.00%
make 3.00%
confirm 2.00%
allow 2.00%
include 2.00%
ensure 2.00%
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