1.   It is to include design studios, exhibition facilities, a development and testing laboratory and administrative offices.

2.   Once the testing laboratory receives the samples, it will screen them for drugs and then perform confirmation testing to minimize errors.

3.   The role of NAMAS is to assess, accredit and monitor calibration and testing laboratories.

4.   And a House subcommittee is debating a proposal to turn the approval of food additives over to private testing laboratories.

5.   A cottage industry has sprung up to offer such tests, and the Department of Agriculture is setting up a laboratory to develop standardized tests and certify testing laboratories.

6.   A person using the test kit would draw blood from a finger, put it on a special laboratory paper and mail the sample to a certified testing laboratory.

7.   A more sophisticated test was negative, but as a precaution, the mail was sent to a private testing laboratory, she said.

8.   David Barnes, a spokesman for the inspector general, said that the agency had approved the use of the testing laboratory before the work began.

9.   During the Desert Storm operation against Iraq, U.S. Modular built testing laboratories for biological and chemical weapons.

10.   Dr. Don Catlin runs the Olympic drug testing laboratory at UCLA.

a. + laboratory >>共 464
national 3.03%
independent 2.74%
medical 2.67%
private 2.59%
forensic 2.38%
new 2.23%
nuclear 2.02%
federal 2.02%
testing 1.87%
state 1.59%
testing + n. >>共 469
program 10.56%
ground 5.59%
procedure 4.56%
equipment 2.69%
site 2.54%
method 2.28%
system 2.23%
process 2.18%
service 2.02%
requirement 1.86%
laboratory 1.35%
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