1.   Current test methods for accessing Average Seek Times are based on several myths.

2.   They outline test methods which May be used to ascertain whether equipment meets those limits.

3.   After failing to persuade the company to change its test methods, Johnson hired a lawyer and got in touch with the FBI.

4.   Funded by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, the trial will use the current vaccine but test different methods of administering the shot.

5.   Govindjee attributed the discrepancy to differences in test methods.

6.   It said government asbestos test methods are deficient in two major areas -- identification of fibers and analytical methods used.

7.   It was our test-driving that was deficient and our test methods that were at fault.

8.   Simulations cost less than full-scale tests in actual markets and test methods can also be quickly modified in response to early results.

9.   The EPA itself, he said, was never able to agree on what test method should be used.

10.   The other test method is to measure lead content of paint still in place, using an x-ray fluorescence gun, known in the industry as XRF.

n. + method >>共 767
production 3.90%
research 3.08%
interrogation 1.71%
construction 1.71%
business 1.66%
detection 1.30%
survey 1.24%
treatment 1.24%
police 1.18%
prevention 1.12%
test 0.77%
test + n. >>共 744
result 16.60%
score 11.72%
site 4.88%
drive 2.80%
flight 2.75%
series 2.11%
car 1.65%
explosion 1.63%
run 1.59%
program 1.35%
method 0.19%
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