1.   The embryos were tested to determine their sex prior to implantation.

2.   And Ghirlanda said he opposed, as a violation of privacy, mandatory psychological testing to determine whether a priest is likely to reoffend.

3.   And she turned over to Starr a dress that is being tested to determine whether there is semen on it.

4.   As is common with any disease classified as a syndrome, there is no one test to determine the presence of PPS.

5.   Both women had to go through months of testing to determine whether they were compatible.

6.   Dennis and his brother gave blood samples for testing to determine if they are suitable marrow donors.

7.   Fuel must be tested to determine the exact freezing point of the load for each flight.

8.   I would have the soil in your garden tested to determine the acidity.

9.   In Phase II, another small group is tested to determine whether the drug appears to produce the desired effect.

10.   Investigators said Tuesday night that testing to determine whether the anthrax was resistant to antibiotics was expected to be completed by early Wednesday.

v. + determine >>共 170
use 20.44%
conduct 7.36%
investigate 5.71%
test 4.95%
work 3.41%
launch 2.97%
do 2.97%
meet 2.97%
perform 2.75%
open 2.42%
test + v. >>共 109
see 16.51%
determine 13.76%
make 5.20%
use 5.20%
be 4.59%
ensure 3.06%
prove 2.14%
confirm 1.83%
do 1.53%
begin 1.53%
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