1.   Some trees support massive termite nests.

2.   Termite nests high in the trees are so large an NFL linebacker would have difficulty getting both arms around them.

3.   Trees, roots and termite nests were cleared away, and a grid was established over the area.

4.   Hasiotis has been credited with pushing back the ages of the oldest bee, termite nests and the oldest crayfish by tens of millions of years.

n. + nest >>共 81
love 11.11%
sniper 9.80%
bird 3.27%
wasp 3.27%
ant 2.61%
ground 2.61%
osprey 2.61%
termite 2.61%
army 1.96%
eagle 1.96%
termite + n. >>共 49
damage 11.45%
infestation 8.40%
mound 8.40%
activity 6.11%
inspection 4.58%
colony 4.58%
control 4.58%
contract 3.82%
company 3.82%
hill 3.05%
nest 3.05%
每页显示:    共 4