1.   During times of economic and political stability, on-the-field sports violence allows for tension release, through vicarious identification with the aggressor.

2.   They needed some relief-some --- pressure valve-to release the tension.

3.   During the treatment, she watched my reactions and my breathing, pressing on the solar plexus reflex point as I breathed out to achieve maximum tension release.

4.   They say the games also provide a tension release, making inmates less aggressive.

n. + release >>共 310
prisoner 18.79%
hostage 5.05%
earnings 3.55%
summer 3.18%
fall 3.18%
week 2.80%
movie 2.15%
government 1.96%
gastrin 1.87%
prison 1.68%
tension 0.37%
tension + n. >>共 84
headache 13.27%
cable 8.85%
line 5.31%
rise 5.31%
rose 5.31%
level 4.87%
mount 3.54%
wire 2.65%
building 1.77%
ratio 1.77%
release 1.77%
每页显示:    共 4