1.   Children frolic on the lawn or tend little plots of garden while their mothers call down to them from the apartments above.

2.   Not for this company, apparently, which will tend your plot in perpetuity, for a price.

3.   Once the term conjured over-the-hill hippies tending backyard plots.

4.   Cemeteries that are abandoned have either reached capacity or the families that used them died out or moved away, leaving no one to tend the plots.

5.   Most were farmers who would tend their plots by day then return to the designated safe zone to sleep.

6.   Villagers tend their plots of banana, coffee, avocado and papaya, cassava, maize and peanuts.

v. + plot >>共 339
foil 6.31%
uncover 5.61%
hatch 4.40%
have 3.00%
mastermind 2.60%
buy 2.50%
sell 2.10%
discover 2.10%
thwart 1.80%
carry 1.40%
tend 0.60%
tend + n. >>共 173
garden 13.07%
field 5.05%
cattle 3.21%
crop 2.75%
flock 2.52%
livestock 2.29%
child 2.06%
sheep 2.06%
animal 1.83%
bar 1.83%
plot 1.38%
每页显示:    共 6