1.   The men who tended the garden were well aware that to modern eyes this planting scheme was gaudy and banal.

2.   Eddie did the shopping, tended the garden, mended the taps and the fuses, and serviced the family car.

3.   Most of the villigers tend their gardens well.

4.   And stories of them tending gardens on their balconies and grazing goats on the front lawn have become common on the lips of Sarajevans.

5.   And tending the garden was a Dutchman named Pieter.

6.   Angela Dugal, a horticulturalist, tends a garden where there was once a parking lot.

7.   As a child in Sonoma County, Branscomb befriended famed horticulturist and Sonoma County resident Luther Burbank, helping him tend his garden, and her recollections are priceless.

8.   A descendent of suffragists, she lived alone in Maine tending her garden, rowing her boat off Naskeag Point and working as a magazine proofreader.

9.   A family lives there and tends the garden and dusts the suit of armor in the hallway.

10.   A man tending a garden of bonsai.

v. + garden >>共 309
tend 6.04%
have 5.40%
plant 4.98%
design 3.50%
create 3.18%
overlook 2.86%
visit 2.44%
weed 1.91%
water 1.91%
start 1.59%
tend + n. >>共 173
garden 13.07%
field 5.05%
cattle 3.21%
crop 2.75%
flock 2.52%
livestock 2.29%
child 2.06%
sheep 2.06%
animal 1.83%
bar 1.83%
每页显示:    共 57