1.   Recently when a gang stole some large buddha images from the temple complex at Pagan, the whole country was outraged.

2.   Armed bands have attacked monks at remote temples to loot their treasures and have twice raided the conservation office at the temple complex of Angkor.

3.   Hatra was apparently the center of a polytheistic religion, with a huge central temple complex and smaller sanctuaries.

4.   It can only come from Preah Khan in the ancient Khmer temple complex known as Angkor, one of the wonders of the world.

5.   Leverett, a small farming town once as thoroughly Yankee as baked beans for breakfast, now has two Buddhist temple complexes.

6.   The company hired armed escorts to go to Cambodia with a group of wealthy people who had donated money to preserve Angkor Wat, an ancient temple complex.

7.   There was the principal temple complex, Angkor Wat, as a large green rectangle.

8.   There were reports Tuesday of armed standoffs and military engagements in Battambang, Banteay Meancheay and Siem Reap, near the ancient Angkor Wat temple complex.

9.   They were heading to Banteay Srei temple, part of the famed Angkor Wat temple complex, when a gang of armed robbers attacked their van.

10.   Police and officials watched in silence as the hundreds of protesters swarmed the temple complex.

n. + complex >>共 485
apartment 20.78%
sport 4.72%
office 4.33%
cave 2.68%
military-industrial 2.57%
entertainment 2.38%
government 2.38%
hotel 1.88%
condominium 1.65%
temple 1.61%
temple + n. >>共 201
complex 8.47%
ground 5.44%
event 3.83%
member 2.62%
campaign 2.62%
ruin 2.42%
fund-raiser 2.22%
compound 2.22%
priest 2.22%
site 2.02%
每页显示:    共 42