1.   A. They may be powder post beetles, which can get into wood and leave tiny, telltale holes along with a powdery sawdust after they do their work.

2.   Hall, the Iowa veterinary pathologist, continues to search through the brains of sick cows for the telltale spongelike holes.

3.   Usually insects such as powder post beetles and the old house borer actually bore into the wood, creating telltale holes and depositing the sawdust in little piles.

4.   Apparently, turtles started out with the telltale holes but evolved bony coverings, the study suggests.

5.   Each one with the telltale holes.

n. + hole >>共 325
bullet 32.74%
playoff 9.52%
ozone 3.81%
security 2.02%
punch 1.43%
shell 1.31%
shortstop 1.25%
nail 1.25%
rabbit 1.07%
drill 1.01%
telltale 0.30%
telltale + n. >>共 168
sign 31.71%
mark 1.71%
symptom 1.71%
hole 1.43%
clue 1.43%
evidence 1.43%
flash 1.14%
number 1.14%
movement 1.14%
signature 1.14%
每页显示:    共 5