1.   An older daughter had, in fact, told doctors in hospital of the situation.

2.   The therapy involves getting the patient to tell the doctor about their early childhood.

3.   Allitt ought to have told her, and she would have told a doctor immediately, Nurse Geeson told day three of the trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

4.   And be sure to tell your doctor about any unconventional therapies you are pursuing.

5.   And many of those surveyed said they were afraid to tell their doctors about it.

6.   As for not telling the doctor, Louganis admits he was wrong.

7.   Besides, he said, the inmate never complained of chest pains, nor told a doctor about a heart condition.

8.   After Diane had a heart attack, her doctor told her she simply was not healthy enough to work any longer.

9.   After her arrest, Yates told doctors she thought she was Satan and had to kill the children to save them from spending eternity in hell.

10.   After telling her doctor she refused to do any more chemotherapy, she got on with her life.

v. + doctor >>共 592
see 13.39%
say 6.97%
consult 4.23%
call 3.52%
visit 3.18%
ask 2.56%
include 1.75%
have 1.70%
tell 1.62%
find 1.49%
tell + n. >>共 546
story 19.43%
reporter 11.47%
truth 5.53%
police 3.63%
court 1.97%
joke 1.56%
tale 1.53%
investigator 1.20%
tales 1.20%
difference 1.15%
doctor 0.39%
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