1.   But all television viewers see the same broadcast.

2.   Most infomercials try to tempt television viewers into buying beauty aids, kitchen gadgets and other products.

3.   No one can tell what thoughts pass through the minds of newspaper readers or television viewers.

4.   Stocks chosen by darts or chimps do not have the same following among television viewers.

5.   The passive role of television viewers simply heightens its effect.

6.   The Robe had been shot in Cinemascope in order to tempt the new television viewers back into the cinemas.

7.   The unoccupied places around them must have given television viewers a picture of hosts abandoned by their guests of honour.

8.   What does this mean for a television viewer?

9.   It was a public relations exercise in which the Government and Party were shown to the media and the television viewer in as flattering a light as possible.

10.   Among the stars of Heart of Darkness is Peter Vaughan... well known to television viewers for his roles in Porridge and Chancer.

n. + viewer >>共 134
television 60.75%
news 1.89%
cable 1.51%
woman 1.13%
first-time 0.94%
minority 0.94%
network 0.94%
prime-time 0.94%
week 0.94%
morning 0.75%
television + n. >>共 463
station 9.69%
network 6.10%
set 4.06%
camera 3.68%
show 3.68%
interview 3.08%
commercial 2.66%
report 2.56%
program 2.49%
crew 2.34%
viewer 1.17%
每页显示:    共 320