1.   Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who is wallowing in the limelight of televised Pentagon briefings, can be even more dismissive.

2.   Every day, Pentagon leaders give a televised briefing to explain the latest developments in the war in Afghanistan.

3.   Generals plan campaigns and politicians pontificate in televised briefings.

4.   Government intelligence agents heard the games too, Fujimori said in his televised briefing.

5.   He has brought it to a televised Pentagon briefing, a televised Sunday talk show and to the town meeting at Ohio State University.

6.   It was the same familiar face, the same slicked back hair -- though thinner -- that had presided over endless televised briefings confidently projecting progress in Vietnam.

7.   It was the same face with the same slicked-back hair that had presided over endless televised briefings that confidently projected progress in Vietnam.

8.   Missing from the famous televised briefings were the disagreements and infighting among policy-makers in Washington and commanders in the field.

9.   She initially was forced to brief reporters on the sidelines while then-Communications Director George Stephanopoulos delivered the daily televised briefings.

10.   President Bush watched the televised briefings given in Saudi Arabia by Schwarzkopf, his commander of U.S. forces in the region.

a. + briefing >>共 187
daily 12.01%
regular 5.71%
classified 4.54%
separate 3.95%
private 3.22%
detailed 2.93%
full 2.49%
military 2.49%
recent 2.49%
closed-door 2.20%
televised 1.46%
televised + n. >>共 367
debate 14.34%
address 13.52%
speech 8.23%
interview 5.37%
game 5.24%
image 1.95%
ceremony 1.82%
hearing 1.69%
trial 1.60%
statement 1.56%
briefing 0.43%
每页显示:    共 10