1.   Apparently, the board of Dow Jones selected the Bridge offer during a board meeting conducted by telephone Tuesday.

2.   All polls, including some that placed Labastida in first place, were conducted by telephone.

3.   All three polls, conducted by telephone, have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.

4.   The discussions, conducted by telephone early last week, touched on a few detailed proposals and ended without resolutions, these people said.

5.   The Gallup Organization says its polls are conducted by telephone using the process of probability sampling.

6.   The losses and other issues were discussed in a board meeting conducted by telephone on Wednesday.

7.   The resignations, which came after a board meeting conducted by telephone Monday afternoon, rocked an art world already shaken by the criminal investigation.

8.   The poll, conducted by telephone, has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

9.   The survey was conducted by telephone in late December and early January.

10.   The survey was conducted by telephone in early February by the CSU College of Natural Resources.

n. + conduct >>共 656
police 5.18%
company 4.44%
government 3.19%
official 3.10%
authority 2.79%
troop 2.51%
agency 2.42%
researcher 2.21%
force 2.15%
team 1.78%
telephone 0.77%
telephone + v. >>共 172
reach 26.85%
contact 15.33%
say 10.98%
ring 10.43%
be 8.86%
interview 2.23%
talk 1.79%
conduct 1.36%
make 1.36%
work 1.14%
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