1.   But as volunteers, they were given access to the disaster scene, while other telecom firms were still locked out.

2.   But shortly after she left, the telecom firm foundered dramatically, casting some doubts on her once stellar resume.

3.   But the government has backtracked on a controversial plan to make the state telecoms firm seek private partners.

4.   But what really makes Lorch angry is the fact that the top executives of the bankrupt telecom firm made millions at the same time she was losing her shirt.

5.   Coyote said it sold equipment to Comdisco, an established Illinois telecom leasing firm, which in turn leased it to Crescent.

6.   It has just linked with Qwest, a new telecoms firm that is building a high-capacity long-distance network along old railway lines.

7.   Last week Global Crossing, a telecoms firm, went bust amid claims of dubious accounts.

8.   Lockyer confirmed that California is gearing up to sue other telecom firms.

9.   So telecom firms have to gamble on the level of future demand.

10.   Some big telecoms firms, including the Bells, have urged the FCC to relax its oversight of mergers and quicken its decisions.

n. + firm >>共 391
law 14.19%
brokerage 11.67%
security 10.12%
investment 7.11%
research 3.21%
management 3.02%
construction 1.66%
technology 1.52%
service 1.49%
biotech 1.46%
telecom 0.56%
telecom + n. >>共 202
company 15.75%
sector 6.01%
stock 5.19%
firm 4.87%
market 4.79%
operator 4.46%
industry 3.90%
giant 3.25%
service 3.25%
carrier 2.19%
每页显示:    共 60