1.   Government can play an essential role as a catalyst and in establishing the framework in which successful technology transfer can be achieved.

2.   However, experience has shown that technology transfer is best achieved within a real business environment.

3.   In terms of technology transfer, handpumps are used at the rural level directly by intended beneficiaries.

4.   Its mandate would include technology transfers and the encouragement of investment in projects which would enhance or safeguard the environment.

5.   Technology transfer is highly complex and often misunderstood.

6.   The most successful forms of technology transfer involve a complex blend of both vertical and horizontal integration.

7.   Technology transfer was also recognized as a major issue.

n. + transfer >>共 251
technology 15.88%
money 8.12%
wire 5.08%
datum 4.57%
land 4.28%
junior-college 4.13%
bank 3.55%
fund 3.12%
arm 2.61%
cash 2.25%
technology + n. >>共 416
stock 22.90%
company 13.11%
issue 6.77%
share 5.98%
sector 5.50%
transfer 2.15%
industry 2.07%
firm 1.60%
officer 1.11%
business 1.07%
每页显示:    共 218