1.   As technology progresses, life extension and life enhancement by heroic but increasingly expensive means will be more available.

2.   Booker and Brown say they hope the portable units can be made smaller as technology progresses.

3.   In recent years, it has become apparent to American consumers that their privacy protections are evaporating as technology progresses.

4.   The need for such fairness is growing increasingly imperative as each passing year of information technology progress encourages more Americans to go into business for themselves.

5.   THE DEVELOPMENT of any country is measured by the standard of technology andscientific progress.

n. + progress >>共 245
year 7.27%
season 7.27%
measure 4.46%
harvest 4.30%
day 3.31%
disease 2.98%
talk 2.48%
campaign 2.15%
career 1.98%
student 1.98%
technology 0.83%
technology + n. >>共 416
stock 22.90%
company 13.11%
issue 6.77%
share 5.98%
sector 5.50%
transfer 2.15%
industry 2.07%
firm 1.60%
officer 1.11%
business 1.07%
progress 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5