1.   Any project involving rockets is always risky, but the technology is maturing all the time.

2.   And, as fuel-cell technology matures, it could replace the engine and generator.

3.   As technology matures, the companies that succeed will be those best able to integrate the physical and virtual worlds.

4.   As the technology matures, a myriad of potential applications will unfold.

5.   As the technology matures, the companies that succeed will be those best able to integrate the physical and the virtual.

6.   As technology matures and prices fall, renewable energy may find its way into U.S. homes, where a few communites are beginning to try solar energy.

7.   But as the technology matures, satellite tracking will inevitably be an important part of the penal system, experts say.

8.   Eisner said interactive technology has matured to the point where it is ripe for Disney to start putting more products into it.

9.   Gadgets become simpler as technologies mature and marketers appeal to the masses.

10.   There are still a few more years to go for this technology to mature, but its time is certainly coming.

n. + mature >>共 214
bond 7.78%
market 4.35%
industry 3.89%
technology 2.29%
crop 2.06%
plant 1.60%
team 1.60%
loan 1.60%
cell 1.37%
economy 1.37%
technology + v. >>共 637
be 22.65%
make 5.60%
allow 4.34%
have 3.41%
help 2.79%
change 2.40%
become 2.27%
improve 2.19%
come 1.44%
enable 1.39%
mature 0.19%
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