1.   But he said this had been an effort at technological cooperation and not an attempt to hinder competition or divide markets.

2.   Efforts then to build greater technological cooperation quickly foundered because of differences over the terms of the agreement for military sales.

3.   Both countries have also agreed to boost trade, investment, tourism, research and technological cooperation.

4.   He said BMW will start with technological cooperation to study market demand before making investment.

5.   He said the liberalization and promotion of international trade and investment, as well as technological cooperation, will be the major themes of the forum.

6.   In May, the two countries signed a wide-ranging agreement on trade, exchanges of academics and students, and technological cooperation.

7.   Kohl and Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso are scheduled to sign a technological cooperation agreement and a memorandum of understanding in the transportation area.

8.   Khristenko, along with Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Manh Cam, co-chaired a joint commission on strengthening trade, economic, scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries.

9.   Kohl and Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso also signed a technological cooperation agreement and a memorandum of understanding in transportation.

10.   Last May, the two countries signed a wide-ranging agreement on trade, the exchange of academics and students, and technological cooperation.

a. + cooperation >>共 612
economic 16.68%
military 12.99%
international 5.64%
bilateral 4.30%
closer 4.06%
greater 3.50%
regional 3.32%
full 2.31%
close 2.13%
increased 2.10%
technological 0.30%
technological + n. >>共 598
advance 12.66%
change 7.66%
innovation 5.38%
development 3.71%
revolution 2.96%
progress 2.50%
breakthrough 2.20%
improvement 2.05%
advancement 1.78%
expertise 1.18%
cooperation 0.87%
每页显示:    共 23