1.   He tore open the cupboard door and peered at the tiny porthole of glass on the front of the central heating boiler.

2.   Just tear open and eat-no need to find a can opener or drain the tuna.

3.   As people scattered amid shouts of alarm, the roof tore open, and hundreds of tons of snow, ice, and debris crashed down.

4.   After they asked for some more chips, the usher reappeared with a bag of Doritos, which they tore open and passed around.

5.   It also lets you check on how far the cooking has proceeded without tearing open the packages.

6.   Tear open and quickly rinse to remove stray seeds and bits of skin.

7.   They tear open the stalks and, finding nothing, cry out.

8.   Twice, though, bags of wheat tore open, and the contents spilled to the ground.

9.   You keep thinking that if he pushes at the envelope any harder, the thing is going to tear open and spill all over the floor.

10.   After tearing open the perforated seal, Perks pulled out a cream-colored piece of stationery.

v. + open >>共 155
split 6.53%
burst 6.37%
pop 4.52%
pry 4.19%
slide 4.02%
throw 3.35%
crack 3.02%
hang 2.85%
rip 2.68%
leave 2.51%
tear 2.01%
tear + n. >>共 580
ligament 13.52%
roof 2.79%
hole 2.79%
cartilage 2.18%
tendon 2.08%
muscle 2.03%
clothes 1.93%
country 1.73%
family 1.47%
building 1.42%
open 0.61%
每页显示:    共 12