1.   Franca became aware that tears were coursing down her face.

2.   He stood quite still, shoulders shaking, tears coursing along the freckles.

3.   She turned her head away, scalding tears coursing down her cheeks and on to the pillow which had absorbed her earlier grief.

4.   Tears coursed down his cheeks.

5.   Tears were coursing down his cheeks.

6.   Shelley realised that tears were coursing down her cheeks, and that the cook was watching her.

7.   With tears coursing down my cheeks, eyes so puffed up only a bullfrog would find me attractive, I called the number.

n. + course >>共 73
tear 7.07%
blood 4.04%
golf 3.03%
drug 3.03%
power 3.03%
runoff 3.03%
water 3.03%
history 2.02%
language 2.02%
best 2.02%
tear + v. >>共 149
be 22.61%
stream 8.30%
flow 7.20%
come 6.56%
roll 4.92%
run 4.01%
well 3.92%
well_up 3.01%
fall 2.64%
begin 2.55%
course 0.64%
每页显示:    共 7