1.   The cardinal took great pains to point out that official Catholic teaching does not forbid the death penalty and that Catholics are entitled to whatever position their consciences dictate.

2.   Catholic church teaching forbids the use of artificial fertilization, including in vitro methods.

3.   Catholic teaching forbids in vitro fertilization.

4.   Catholic Church teaching forbids use of contraceptives.

5.   Church teaching forbids divorced Catholics to remarry or to take Communion.

6.   Church teaching forbids the use of artificial fertilization, including in vitro methods.

7.   Falun Gong, however, says its teachings forbid all forms of killing, including suicide.

8.   Falun Gong says its teachings forbid all forms of killing, including suicide.

9.   Mormon teaching forbids the use of alcohol.

10.   Islamic teachings forbid alcohol, pork and shellfish.

n. + forbid >>共 187
law 33.74%
rule 6.82%
government 3.51%
constitution 3.41%
regulation 3.13%
policy 2.94%
heaven 1.80%
agreement 1.61%
religion 1.33%
court 1.23%
teaching 0.95%
teaching + v. >>共 90
be 28.85%
forbid 4.81%
say 3.37%
go 2.88%
hold 2.88%
take 2.40%
prohibit 1.92%
come 1.44%
require 1.44%
continue 1.44%
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