1.   Before the address, Leonard Rubinowitz, recipient of the annual award for teaching excellence, announced the winner of the Wigmore Key.

2.   He has won two awards for teaching excellence.

3.   The college alumni association honored him with its great teacher award, and the student body gave him its Mark Van Doren Award for teaching excellence.

4.   Third, our plan will strengthen teaching excellence.

a. + excellence >>共 106
academic 15.41%
educational 6.77%
general 6.02%
athletic 3.76%
technical 3.01%
consistent 2.63%
overall 2.63%
sustained 2.26%
sporting 2.26%
artistic 2.26%
teaching 1.50%
teaching + n. >>共 487
method 6.71%
job 6.34%
assistant 3.93%
tool 2.99%
staff 2.82%
position 2.78%
post 2.66%
career 2.37%
material 2.37%
child 2.21%
excellence 0.16%
每页显示:    共 4