1.   A good teacher knows how to maintain discipline.

2.   Curriculum and assessment are, as every teacher knows, inextricably interwoven.

3.   Every good teacher knows that criticism does not motivate learners.

4.   Every teacher knows the problems that difficult children can cause.

5.   If you accept her at Lowood school, please make sure that the headmistress and teachers know how dishonest she is.

6.   The teacher knows what we did, which means that somebody ratted.

7.   It helps managers when teachers know, for example, that ministers in one government department blame those of another for shifts in a national scheme of vocational education.

8.   Being together in this way did not mean that either party treated the other with excessive informality but it did mean that teachers knew pupils well.

9.   As many teachers know Myrtle suffered a heart attack in August.

10.   Did the children know that they were being studied, and did the teachers know that they were taking part in such an experiment?

n. + know >>共 914
people 7.61%
official 3.07%
player 2.30%
fan 1.94%
scientist 1.90%
world 1.74%
company 1.66%
police 1.62%
man 1.41%
team 1.28%
teacher 0.35%
teacher + v. >>共 886
be 13.76%
say 6.28%
have 4.78%
tell 2.28%
take 1.73%
use 1.62%
ask 1.43%
go 1.29%
teach 1.20%
give 1.20%
know 0.91%
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